Here is the gist:
I. The reality of a knife attack:
If you are attacked with a sharp/pointy object:
- You will get cut/stabbed/slashed.
- You will bleed. Probably a lot.
- Be ALERT. Pay ATTENTION to what is going on around you. That in itself drastically reduces the chances of you being the target.
- You CANNOT be alert if you are using your smartphone.
- Any time you go to your smartphone you are CLUELESS.
- Hit the attacker’s head as hard as you can until you can run away or until they drop.
- If you have anything hard/strong/heavy use it to hit their head.
- If you are untrained/unarmed do NOT engage the attacker
- Do NOT try to disarm them
Ok here are a few more details (and with slightly different order):
I. If you ARE alert, if you notice what is going on around you, if you LOOK aware (and preferably ready) you WILL drastically reduce the chances of being attacked - Yes, that simple.
- The attacker goal is not to fight with the biggest, strongest, most able and ready -guy, rather to hit/injure/kill as many guys as possible. It is easier, hence more attractive, to attack people that are obviously clueless. Easier target= better success rate= more people hurt. So get your head out of your smartphone and pay attention to F#@king life.
- By doing that (i.e., paying attention) if something will happen you will be able to do something – scream so everyone else will notice, throw something at him, call LE/security for help….something…
II. Since you probably are not going to keep your cellphone in your pocket and start paying attention, here are a few realty bits:
If you are attacked with a sharp/pointy object:
- You will be stabbed/slashed
- You will bleed; probably a lot
- How badly you get hurt depends on three things:
- Where you got stabbed
- How many times you got stabbed
- Do you have adrenaline running in your system OR were you hit unaware
- You can’t do much about any of these factors if you are unaware. So pay attention to life (facebook has history, WhatsApp massages are not self-deleting….)
III. You got hit and you are untrained (watching short vids/reading a couple of internet advises (like this one) attending an hour seminar about knife defense means you are untrained and unready. BTW It’s a good time to start training). What should you try to do?
- Hit the attacker’s head as hard as you can until you can run away or until he/she drop (If you can use something strong/heavy to hit his/her head even better)
- Hit their head. Hard. As many times as you can. Don’t kick them. Don’t wrestle. If you are not running you should be hitting their head
- So should I repeat hit their head hard, many times or run away one more time?
IV. What you should absolutely NOT do:
- DO NOT try to disarm them. Their goal is you injured/dead. Trying to disarm them, you are most likely to get injured/dead. If so, they win. Your goal is to stop them. You may get hurt trying to do so, so minimize your risk. if you want to disarm them, once they are lying unconscious on the ground kick the blade out of their hand.
- If you are untrained – do not engage a knife-wielding attacker.
- If you do not understand that by engaging you WILL get cut/die, if you are not scared from the concept of a knife attack, if you never trained against a knife under stress, if you think you will not danger your life if you engage, then you are untrained.
- If you are trained OR if you must protect your loved ones - hit them hard in the head, preferably find something to hit them with. If you can – shoot them. Center mass, until they drop.
The world is relatively a very safe place. Most likely, you will get home tonight and you will wake up tomorrow just fine. However, there are bad people in this nice safe world. Some of which will hurt you to get tradeable commodity from your dead body. Some bad people will hurt you because your skin color is different/your social status. Some of which will hurt you because you don’t worship the god they do – or you don’t worship in the manner they do. Few are not even bad people; they have serious mental health issues and if not treated they may hurt you. There are sex offenders and child molesters out there. There are quite a few bad people in this safe world. It is a good time to start training how to defend your loved ones and yourself from the bad people that live in our safe world. And, if you are training – good for you. Train harder.